A great white shark hunts the crew of a capsized sailboat along the Great Barrier Reef.

Andrew Traucki
Ian John Ridley, Sarah Smith
Neal Kingston, Michael Robertson, Pam Collis
Jessica McNamee, Luke Mitchell, Anthony J Sharpe, Amali Golden, Benjamin Hoetjes
Piccadilly Pictures in association with SQN present in association with Screen Queensland and Altitude Film Sales a Thrills & Spills Production
Australia/NZ distributor: R and R Films
Worldwide sales - Altitude Film Sales. www.altitudefilment.com
A great white shark hunts the crew of a capsized sailboat along the Great Barrier Reef.
In an effort to heal after witnessing her sister’s horrific murder, Nic her sister and two close friends travel to a tropical resort for a kayaking and diving adventure.
When their seaplane is destroyed in a freak accident 5 passengers are trapped on a raft, surrounded by man-eating sharks.